Celebrate National Chicken Wing Day!

National Chicken Wing Day is tomorrow, Saturday, July 29th! Officially originating in Buffalo, NY, in 1964, chicken wings have become a staple bar, pub, game day, and celebration favorite around the country. So, to honor our love of crispy wings, alongside plenty of ranch and blue cheese (whichever team you prefer), and of course a beer to wash it all down, we wanted to celebrate the day with a few fun recipes, ideas, and chicken wing stats!


Celebrate National Chicken Wing Day with crispy wings, full of flavor, that can be made right at home! Whether its just you and a few friends and family, or you’re geared up to host a big crowd, these beer brined wings are sure to be a crowd pleaser.

No sure how to Brine?

Though brining may sound a bit more advanced than just throwing a few wings on the grill, it’s actually easier than you might think, and totally worth the flavor! Brining is a technique in which meat is submerged in liquid, salts, and spices for a few hours, allowing it to soak up the flavors of the solution, for a more tender end result.

In this recipe, beer is added to the brine, along with garlic, dill, and peppercorns for an enhanced flavor and crispy texture. With these 7 simple steps you can make wings you and your guests will be dreaming about for days after:

  1. Heat water, sugar, and salt over medium heat. Be sure to whisk until the sugar and salt dissolve.

  2. Add garlic, dill, and peppercorns to the brine.

  3. Pour in cold beer (a lager is recommended). Let the brine sit until it is brought to room temperature.

  4. Once cooled, pour the brine over the chicken wings and let them sit for 2-4 hours.

  5. Rinse and pat the chicken dry once done brining.

  6. Season the chicken with paprika, garlic, salt, and pepper.

  7. Bake the wings until they are crisped to perfection.

    Be sure to pick up either our Helles or Highland Lagers to take your brine to the next level!

Click the link below for a full list of ingredients and further instructions on how to make these delicious beer brined wings!

Chicken Wing Stats!

While chicken wings may have started out classic and simple, the wing platform has grown tremendously and statistics prove it.

  • The average American eats 16 wings per sitting.

  • 38% of Americans now prefer to make wings at home instead of going to a restaurant.

  • 32% of Americans say that wings are essential to their perfect barbecue plate.

  • 56% of Americans prefer traditional, bone in chicken wings, over boneless wings.

  • 53% of Americans believe, boneless wings shouldn’t even count as wings!

  • At our last Super Bowl, it was estimated that Americans likely consumed 1.42 billion wings during the game!

    And we had to save our favorite stat for last….beer is the most popular beverage to pair with chicken wings! Two classics, one favorite duo!

wood-fired Wings at the beer hall

Join us at the Beer Hall on Railroad Street for our incredible wood-fired wings, with flavors to please everyone! Whether you’re wanting a cajun curry dry rub, mango-habanero, house made bbq, or more, we have wings you’ll love.

So stop in for your favorite wood fired-wing and and cold draft pairing today! We can’t wait to celebrate with you!


Happy International Beer Day! Meet our DOBO Joel, he loves beer!


Come on Down to the Public Market!