988 by Rohrbach

988 by Rohrbach

Breweries nationwide are joining forces during National Suicide Prevention Week to raise awareness about suicide prevention and Rohrbachs is one of them.

This year there are 80+ partners across 28 states who have joined forces to name a beer, “988,” seeking to spark discussions and encourage dialogue around the critical issue. The goal is for people to notice the number on the can or menu and feel compelled to ask questions, sparking meaningful conversations and raising awareness.

“We want to encourage open conversations, share experiences, and underscore the importance of seeking help when it’s most needed,” stated Nicolina Boccia, Director of Marketing. “One conversation can save a life. Reach out to a friend, check in on your neighbors, and let people know they are not alone.”

Learn More About the 988 Brewery Collaboration

Project History

In 2017, O.H.S.O. Brewery + Distillery brewed its inaugural batch of “988” beer, aiming to raise awareness and initiate conversations about suicide prevention. Over the years, O.H.S.O. has formed partnerships with more than 80 local and national organizations, all united in featuring a beer named after the lifeline number: “988.”

Project Mission

Our primary objective is to create awareness and foster conversations. We firmly believe that a single conversation has the potential to save a life. Research consistently indicates that acknowledging and discussing suicidal ideation, making it vital to understand the issues surrounding mental health and suicide prevention.

About 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

The “988” Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to individuals in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24/7 in the United States. Additionally, 988 offers valuable resources for families and friends to work together in preventing suicide.


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